The public sector is the part of the economy concerned with providing various governmental services. The composition of the public sector varies by country, but in most countries the public sector includes such services as the military, police, infrastructure (public roads, bridges, tunnels, water supply, sewers, electrical grids, telecommunications, etc.), public transit, public education, along with health care and those working for the government itself, such as elected officials. Managing demographic bulges: Governments around the world will have to focus and adjust the delivery of services to the demographic profile of their populations.
The “digitization of everything” is just as relevant and compelling for State, Local, and central Government agencies as it is in the private sector. In fact, the rapid adoption of digital technology in the commercial world is changing citizens’ expectation of how they should interact with their government and is driving agencies’ IT departments to fundamentally rethink how they deliver services to their internal users and external constituents. Responding to growing customer expectations: Residents now see themselves as consumers of public services; residents, as a group, are becoming an increasingly complex, individualised and diverse population, with growing, shifting and contradicting expectations.
The digital revolution has created a new generation of people who want ever more accessible, portable, flexible and customised products, services and experiences. They expect to move seamlessly – in real time- between the physical and virtual worlds. And they are prepared to disclose quite a lot about themselves to achieve their desires. Digital transformation has an important role to play in raising productivity and meeting increasing demands on public services. It is therefore more crucial than ever for the public sector to be in tune with technological change and its implications on citizen expectations, security and public service delivery.
Councils are facing a tough and complex set of pressures – cuts in funding, rising demand for services and economic growth challenges.Local authorities have responded decisively – but further spending cuts loom.
CPI Consulting Associates; specializes in SAP Analytics solutions which can help organisations simplify every aspect of the organization, deliver breakthrough innovations, and accelerate performance to capitalize on untapped opportunities and improve performance and citizens’ lives.